
السائح لخدمات الشحن - Alsaeh cargo services

Al Saeh Cargo Services Company | Air Cargo | Land Cargo | Sea freight

السائح لخدمات الشحن - Alsaeh cargo services

Cargo Service Terms

The (Best Cargo Company in Dubai | UAE) website is keen to provide the best cargo services in all air, land and sea cargo methods with logistic services that satisfy the aspirations of its valued customers and fulfill all their requests in this field. We appreciate the customers’ interest in our services the most, so the terms of this agreement have been set to guarantee the rights, duties and interests of all parties. Therefore, you should read the terms of the agreement with concentration and attention so that each of the parties to this agreement guarantees all its rights.

Agreement Terms:

  • The (Best Cargo Company in Dubai | UAE) website is keen to provide the best cargo services that it offers on this site. It should be noted that (Best Cargo Company in Dubai | UAE) is a website that represents an official cargo company based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates named Al Saeh Cargo Services LLC, License No. 1163760 issued by the Government of Dubai Department of Economic Development.
  • This site announces the provision of all air, sea and land freight services. Therefore, we welcome your requests and work to complete them in a fully professional manner for a specific service fee in addition to the scheduled cargo costs. Fees are paid using one of the accepted payment methods, whether through an electronic payment gateway or paying directly at the company’s headquarters in Dubai. Or any of the payment methods agreed upon between the company and the customer.
  • The site and the company undertake to maintain the confidentiality of papers, documents, requests and any matters related to its customers and not to disclose any information related to them whatsoever.
  • Because the (Best Cargo Company in Dubai | UAE) website services require direct payment of fees to shipping lines and agents in return for fulfilling shipment requests in advance. It is not permissible to claim the refund of any amounts paid by the client, except in the event of the company or the site’s negligence or negligence in completing the task or service entrusted to it by the client.
  • The customer must pay the cargo service fees that he requests from the website (the best cargo company in Dubai | UAE) or the company in advance by one of the announced payment methods that are agreed upon.
  • All cargo services fees that may be announced on the (The Best Cargo Company in Dubai | UAE) website are estimates and are not final. The customer should discuss who is responsible for providing the shipping service through the site or by attending the company’s headquarters to obtain the final service price, given that the service may include efforts or unexpected additional fees.
  • The customer can obtain all the details about his request and quotations and respond to his inquiries by communicating through the website (The Best Cargo Company in Dubai | UAE) through all the communication methods spread across its pages. Or by attending the company’s headquarters announced on the (Contact Us) page.
  • The (Best Cargo Company in Dubai | UAE) site undertakes to start completing the required shipping service as soon as the customer pays the prescribed fees for the requested service.
  • (The Best Cargo Company in Dubai | UAE) is not responsible for any delay beyond its control in receiving shipments.
  • (The Best Cargo Company in Dubai | UAE) is not responsible for rejecting any transaction for any reason related to customs or official bodies according to their laws.
  • (Best Cargo Company in Dubai | UAE) is not responsible for the content of shipments. The customer must disclose any items that may be in violation or prohibited to be shipped according to the laws and regulations.
  • (Best Cargo Company in Dubai | UAE) is not responsible for any content of the shipments belonging to the customer. Only the company’s officials carry out the requested service. regardless of its content or content without any liability to it.
  • In appreciation of (The Best Cargo Company in Dubai | UAE) website for its valued customers, it may from time to time follow up on its customers, check on their shipments and follow up until delivery.
  • The (Best Cargo Company in Dubai | UAE) website is keen to organize mailing lists to facilitate communication between all parties easily and securely while preventing the sending of any annoying mail messages.
  • The customer’s request for (the best cargo company in Dubai | UAE) website services means his knowledge of the way the site is managed, the privacy policy, how to pay the fees, the cash refund policy, the terms of service and all matters related to the requested service. Introduction.
  • The customer must always provide all his means of communication and communication for the site or company, such as e-mail, phone numbers and other means to communicate with him in case of need.
  • The (Best Cargo Company in Dubai | UAE) website is committed to all of the terms of this agreement and requests the dear customer to comply as well to ensure all his rights.

** Subscribing to the services of (The Best Cargo Company in Dubai | UAE) website, whatever it is, means that you have read these terms carefully and agreed to them and did not express any objection to them **